Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012   

Today's Photograph . . . . Sick At Heat (MQ)
Bible Study Verse
II Chronicles 15:7
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." (NIV)

Sick at heart describes my emotion. Ready to quit hunting with a bow was my attitude. He was almost under the stand when I released the arrow from my compound bow. I had stopped him with a bleat, and apparently he had stopped and looked up at me. 

The arrow took a path down his neck toward the vitals, but did not get deep enough to finish the job immediately. He ran away from me with the arrow prominently visible. 

Later I called for friends to come and help me trail him. There was good sign for a long way, but then it just stopped. The field was freshly harvested, so it had been easy to track him to a point where the trail seemed to disappear. Many have shared this frustration while hunting. 

I could not let it go. I went back and spoke with the land owners two days later. They gave some suggestions, so I widened my search. With God's help, I found him, a really nice nine-pointer. Though the meat had begun to spoil, and could not be utilized, I tagged the deer and was happy to have him. I was thankful that he had not suffered as I had imagined. My first archery trophy was my reward for not quitting. 
(Jack M)

Action Point
Maybe you are ready to quit. Don't quit, unless you are quitting a sinful pursuit!!! Especially don't stop doing what the Lord has given you to do!!! Persevere in life. Be faithful. 

Discouragement will come. Our ancient enemy, Satan, will make sure that happens. The urge or the temptation to give in or give up will present itself to all of us at times. Life is a journey, not a destination!!! 

Eternal life in Heaven with God--knowing Him--is the goal and destination for all who believe (John 17:3). God promises a reward for all who will keep going and not give up. The scriptures remind us:  "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived"- the things God has prepared for those who love Him," I Corinthians 2:9b (NIV). The reward will be worth it!!!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Wait for a sufficient time period before tracking a wounded big game animal. Develop your tracking and trailing skills. Trail with persistence. There are lights available to use at night which reveal blood. Some new tools detect body heat of a wounded animal. It is ethical hunting to do all you can reasonably do to recover wounded game.