
Today's Photograph....Ask God To Put Someone In Your Heart That You Can Share Your Campfire With (MQ)
Bible Study Verse Jeremiah 20: 9 But if I say, "I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name," His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. (NIV)
Thoughts Have you ever tried to light wet wood? How many matches did you go through? Unfortunately I have done this one too many times, most recently on an outing with my family. The day before our outing it had rained all day on the San Francisco Peaks, the mountain and trailhead we had planned to hike.
After a long wet hike and decent from 12,000 ft, everyone was freezing and wet. I attempted to build a fire with wet wood. I'm happy to report that after three boxes of matches and a few blisters from splitting kindling, we had a fire. I just had to get to the core of the wood, it was plenty dry. (Donny N)
Action Point Who needs matches with Jesus! One strike of His match and he will change us, transform us, and re- create us forever. He provides a light and warmth that will never end, no matter how many times you try to put it out.
My dad has a saying that has always stuck with me, "when life gets you down and you can't seem to get away from it all, you need to get around a campfire. It'll clear your thoughts and relieve the stress in your life." Thanks dad for the advice, I'll do just that. I know who has the match.
The question is who will be around your campfire? Who will you share the match with? This week, ask God to put someone on your heart that you can share your campfire with.
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