Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 21, 2013   

Today's Photograph . . . . Fly Fishermen Don't Take Money For Flies or Used Equipment -- We Share  (MQ)
Bible Study Verse
Acts 4:32
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. (NIV)

I remember walking along the Rush River in Wisconsin looking for a place to wet a fly. I saw a gentleman fishing, so I stopped and asked him how he was doing. He said that he was doing very well with one of his own fly patterns. He insisted on giving me a couple of flies and told me to try this stretch of the river. I thanked him for sharing, and he headed upstream. 

I caught several nice fish and was very thankful for his thoughtfulness. Later that spring, some of my students expressed an interest in fly fishing. 

I taught them how to tie some simple patterns and we went fishing together. As I upgraded my equipment, I gave away some of my equipment to my students. They wanted to pay me; but I thought of that gentleman on the Rush, and told them that fly fishermen don't take money for flies or used equipment -- we share. This started a long-lasting relationship with these young people. I was blessed ten-fold! 
(Tom L)
Action Point
Dig out some of that old equipment and get someone started fly fishing. It's a great opportunity to witness and be a role model for young people.
Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Try substituting a red thorax on your hare's ear instead of turkey quill. It has worked well on several streams and lakes. We call it the "bloody" hare's ear.