Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013   

Today's Photograph . . . . To Not Heed The Warning Signs Could Be Very Foolish And Even Deadly  (Tom H)
Bible Study Verse
Matthew 24:42
"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." (NASB)
If you have ever hiked into the Grand Canyon, you may have seen the warning sign above that advises you not to try to hike in and out of the canyon on the same day. Many people have ignored that sign and paid a price for it. 
As I mentioned in a previous devotion, our family saw first-hand how unforgiving the canyon can be as a victim was flown out by way of a cargo net in a body bag. 
(Tom H)

Action Point
You have to be almost blind not to see the daily warning signs in the news that some major event is about to happen. I am not going to predict anything; but I know that this is a very good time to draw close to the Lord. To not heed the warning signs could be very foolish and even deadly!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
I have a large zip-lock bag in my closet ready to go anytime we want to take a hike or spur-of-the-moment trip into the wilderness. It has basic survival tools that don't add much weight, but can be lifesavers, should something unforeseen happen.