Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8, 2012   

Today's Photograph . . . . I Knew It Was Because God Was There Too   (MQ)
Bible Study Verse
Exodus 4:1  
Then Moses answered, "What if they won't believe me and will not obey me but say, 'The Lord  did not appear to you'?" (HCSB)

Moses was afraid to accept the challenge God gave him to lead the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. 

To prove to Moses and the rest of the Israelites that God was in charge, He told Moses to throw down his staff, which turned into a snake. 

Here is the tough part for me, God then told Moses to pick it up by the tail. 

Moses did, and the snake became the staff again; however, the staff was no longer a shepherd's staff, but a staff for leading God's people to the Promised Land.
(Bink G)

Action Point
God challenges us from time to time to leave our comfort zones and take a leap of faith and obey His will. It would definitely take an act of God for me to pick up a snake by the tail. 

As anglers, we all have our favorite fishing spots; and, we fish these spots 90 percent of the time. We rarely look at new water for fear of failure, especially when we have paying customers.

God challenged me one day to seek out a dear friend who was having family problems. Honestly, I did not want to do it - I wanted to stay out of it. But, God burdened me to leave my comfort zone and talk to my friend about being a godly man and doing what is right. 

My friend, a proud man, was very receptive to the discussion; and, I knew it was because God was there too, leaning against the truck with us.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Fishing on days when the weather is not the most conducive to catching makes us better anglers. We must seek out new water and read patterns and tides to find fish. In the process we become better fishers, and add a few coordinates to the GPS.