July 29, 2012
Today's Photograph . . . . The Mule Ran Off In An Attempt To Herd Up With A Bull Elk (MQ)
Bible Study Verses
Luke 15:4-6
"If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, 'Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.' (NLT)
Recently I wrote about the saddled pack mule my son and I came across while deer hunting and how the mule ran off in an attempt to herd up with a bull elk. This is the rest of the story. . .
The night after seeing the wayward mule, we spotted a couple of cowboys towing a horse trailer with saddled horses in the rear. Imagining the coincidence I approached them and asked if they had lost a pack mule. They said they had and that he was a pack mule from the Grand Canyon, he had been missing for four days, and they had been tracking him roughly forty miles from his original location. We gave them the last location we had seen him that morning and wished them luck.
The next morning we spotted illusive critter again grazing in an opening, alone, and roughly fifteen miles from where we had spotted him yesterday. Any and all attempts to wrangle the solitary mule were met with resistance. Noting his location we began to make our way back to the Grand Canyon to report his location to the cowboys. We had only driven one mile from his location when we came across the same two cowboys.
(Brett M)
Action Point
I was amazed and impressed that these two cowboys had been able to successfully track this solitary mule for some fifty miles though all kinds of wilderness. Then the three different parables in Luke 15 came to mind, the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Each with the same emphasis, God and Heaven will rejoice in the returning of just one lost soul.
Who is that lost soul? It can either be a lost sinner who has never known God or it can be a backslidden believer. In either case the point is made that like those cowboys, God will do all that He can to bring the sinner out of the treacherous wilderness and into the safety and security of His flock. To cause those of us who have backslidden to be called by His Holy Spirit and summoned by His Word to return to that same flock.
Do you or someone you know resemble the parables in Luke 15? If so, repent. receive God's forgiveness, and then enjoy the celebration in heaven!!!
Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Game bags can be expensive and do not last. Buy the cheapest set of bed sheets you can find and wrap your harvest inside. They will accomplish the same thing at a fraction of the price and will last much longer.