Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 22, 2013   

Today's Photograph . . . . It's Not About Me And It's Not About You -  It Is All About Christ!  (NPS)
Our memories are sad with the 50 year anniversary of the American president John F. Kennedy's assassination. May God bless America and each of you.
Bible Study Verse
Ecclesiastes 4:9 
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. ?(NIV)
Team work! Together Everyone Accomplishes More. This is absolutely true. 
Pheasant hunting for wild birds can be a challenge, especially late in the season. They seem to have been born with track shoes! They will prefer to run rather than to flush and fly away. They also seem to realize that flying will make them a target. 
Ethical upland bird hunters do not shoot birds on the ground unless they are wounded and in danger of getting away. But, blocking the birds will enhance the opportunities. 
(Jack M)

Action Point
In life, teamwork is necessary. In the life of the church it is essential. Each person has to lay aside their personal agendas in order for our families, our businesses, our teams, and our churches to have order and to work properly - to achieve the goals and purposes of each entity. 
Many believe the purpose of the church is about getting what they want or need. Actually, the body of Christ is to be about serving and giving to others. This was Jesus' example and attitude. Philippians 2:2-13 gives us ample illustration and admonition on this point. Take the attitude, "It's not about me, and it's not about you. It is all about Christ!"

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Block wild birds--put people at the end of the fields, or in possible escape routes. Be safe. Establish safe firing lanes. This will enable better harvests and more effective hunting. This tip works well with wild pheasants and other game, including deer.