Monday, September 5, 2011

A Daily Study of God's Word for Christian Sportsmen    September 5, 2011

Today's Photograph . . . . Public Land (MQ) 
Labor   Day   2011

Bible Study VersesLuke 4:5-7
The devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.  And he said to Him, "I will give You all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If You worship me, it will all be yours." (NIV)

I live in a state, Arizona, that is primarily a "public lands state." That's important for hunters, because it means that we have access to lots of state and federal land where we can hunt.

Those of you that live in states that are primarily privately owned can have problems finding places to hunt. When you do successfully find out who owns a particular property where you want to hunt, you must follow that owner's rules and pay whatever price he may require in order to hunt on his land.

Sometimes, that price or those requirements are more than we can afford or are willing to adhere to. In those cases, you must go down the road and find another place to pursue your hunting hobby. You probably don't like it, but it is the landowner's right to make the rules on his property as long as they are within the state statutes that govern wildlife.
(Cliff S)

Action Point
These verses really jump out at me and make me think about a lot of things. Satan made Jesus a very tempting offer - all of the kingdoms of the world and all their glory. It's clear from this passage that Satan has that authority here on earth.

It's clear that Jesus had a choice, and, so do we. Think about this with me. Maybe kingdoms on earth are given by Satan to anyone that will worship him, or those that simply don't worship the one true God and His son, Jesus. My guess is that Satan will give them to anyone that will further his plan of total domination and condemnation of mankind. That could explain lots of things in this world.

What is very clear here is that we as Christians are in a tremendous spiritual battle; a battle we can only win if we choose to follow Jesus and let Him do our fighting for us. Jesus made the right choice. He chose to be obedient to the Father and resist Satan. 

Jesus set the example as to how to resist evil, by quoting scriptures!!! Yes, we have a choice who we will worship. May I make a suggestion? Choose Jesus!!!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Your hunting license does not give you access to private property even though the wildlife is owned by the public. You must respect the rights of the landowner and get his permission to hunt on his land. What you choose to do in these circumstances may affect the opportunities for many who subsequently ask to hunt on that land as well.