Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Daily Study of God's Word for Christian Sportsmen    September 9, 2011

Today's Photograph . . . . . Don't Be Like Some Who, Like The Evergreen Tree Think That They Are Alive & Ready (Jack M)

Bible Study VersesMatthew 22:11-13
"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, 'How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?' The man was speechless.  (NIV)

Different?  I'll say.  Take a look at the picture above.  Does something stand out?  Yes, that one tree is red.  It is dead.  Something has caused it to die.  It stands among living trees as if it belongs.  Yet it does not.
The fear is that there are many who are "good people"; people who go to church; people who do good things on a regular basis that believe they are on the way to Heaven.  They include themselves in the group who are Christians.  Yet they are still spiritually dead.
(Jack M)

Action Point
Someday, God will decide.  Someday this life will be over.  Life can be over because we die, and pass into the next life.  It could be because Christ has come for His church.

The Lord spoke of His return.  He pictures some of the events of His kingdom like a wedding feast.  Most of us dress up for weddings.  We wear our best.

The proper attire for His Kingdom is His righteousness, or what we might call salvation.  That is the only thing that will qualify us for Heaven. Have you put on the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ?  Have you accepted His offer of the forgiveness of your sin? Have you by faith alone settled the issue of preparing for eternity?
Don't be like some who, like the evergreen tree above think that they are alive and ready, when in reality, they are spiritually dead, and unprepared for eternity.
By faith, receive the forgiveness of sin offered by God in Jesus Christ alone.  Pray something like this from your heart.  "God be merciful to me a sinner.  I accept the offer of forgiveness in Christ.  Thank you for saving me.  In His name, Amen."

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Choose firewood from trees that are already dead, cutting them up as needed.  Follow local regulations and laws.  Don't cut living trees for this purpose.  Conserve the forests and the trees by using only the dead wood. Remember green wood doesn't burn as well as dead wood.