Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011 

Today's Photograph . . . . It Wasn't Like This White Façade Blanket Of Snow (MQ) 

Bible Study Verses

Psalm 103:11-12
His love for those who have respect for Him is as high as the heavens are above the earth. He has removed our lawless acts from us as far as the east is from the west. (NIV)


No school today - we just got blasted with a snowstorm in northern Michigan! As I look out my den window this morning, snow is everywhere.

The fall is beautiful here! It holds a vast array of colors that run through woods and the rolling hills provide great overlooks to see God's splendor. But, that's before the leaves fall off the trees. After the leaves are gone, everything looks a dingy gray. Quite honestly, during this time between losing the leaves and the first snowfall, it's just sort of ugly outside.

BUT, that first snowfall changes everything! The gray dingy appearance fades away with a beautiful covering of fresh white snow. For a season, all the ugliness is covered, and we get to enjoy a whole new set of outdoor activities - skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, and sledding and it's beautiful again.

However, here's what I know will happen in the Spring. The snow will melt and the ugliness will reappear until Spring firmly is rooted and the color returns.
(Dave M)

Action Point

The beauty of Christ's sacrifice for us is this: when He died for you and I, it wasn't just to place a covering over the ugliness of our lives.  It wasn't like this white façade blanket of snowthat we've just gotten here. His blood took away the ugliness - the sins that we accumulate in our life. Our sins aren't just covered. They aren't going to resurface again later. They are permanently gone if we've asked Jesus to forgive us and to take them away!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day

If you want to make sledding easy, haul your snowmobiles along with you to the sledding hill. The kids can slide down the hill for hours on end, while the adults can haul the sleds and the kids back up with the snowmobiles.