Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9, 2012   

Today's Photograph . . . . Water Your Life and Feed Your Soul . . . Creek Near Keystone, South Dakota (Jack M)
Bible Study Verse  
John 4:10 
Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water."  (NIV)

Here in the Dakotas it's one of the driest summers in many years; some say in over forty years. The crops are in dire straits. If God does not bless us with ample rain soon, they will be beyond hope and beyond recovery. 

In some places in the US farmers are already plowing the crops down, giving up for this year. The crops were planted early. The corn was tasseling showing that it was in pollination mode by July 4th. The older farmers in our country used to say "If the corn is knee high by the 4th of July it will be a great crop." 

Having the crops planted early is only part of the story as to making a great crop. Ample rain is essential.
(Jack M)

Action Point
Just as the crops need regular and ample rain, you and I need regular and ample supply of the Living Water, the Lord Jesus. What is your plan to receive it? Do you have a plan? Have you made such a commitment, to daily connect with Christ?

We are to find in the Lord Jesus all we need for life and living. He is the One we are dependent upon. He is the one who can truly satisfy. In Scripture Jesus is called the Bread of Heaven and the Living Water.

How do we do drink of the Living Water and eat the Bread of Heaven? We do so by taking in the Bible. The written Word of God, the Bible is the major source of the Water of Life and the Bread of Heaven. Prayer, worship, mediation, memorization of Scripture, and sharing with others are other ways to take in this essential of healthy spiritual living.

Make a plan and a commitment to read the Bible and meditate upon what you read every day. It will "water" your life and "feed" your soul!!!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Don't read well? Get the Bible on CD or DVD and play it while you drive. That way you can listen as you drive. Commit to memorizing God's Word. That way you have it always with you and available for meditation and encouragement.