Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Today's Photograph . . . . Others Will See That You Believe In Who You Live For (Doug L)
Bible Study Verse
Hebrews 9:25
Nor did He enter Heaven to offer Himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not His own. (NIV)
Times have gotten tougher. People with greed and power in their hearts govern us. They are not for us, they are for themselves. That's why collectively they can never make a decision. They have no accountability yet want us to vote for them; because they have "hope and change" It is not them we should ever have faith in! We must stay strong to our beliefs; encourage one another because the Day is approaching.
(Jim C)
Action Point
As outdoorsman it is our job to pass on what we know, what we have learned and encourage others to do the same. Be ever vigilant because there are those who wish us not to enjoy the hunts God has blessed us with. They are truly wolves in sheep's clothing. Stand up for what you believe and believe with your entire heart what you stand for.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
A simple tip: Live by what you believe and others will see that you believe in who you live for! "God made me a fisherman and hunter; I am proud of both and apologize to no one."