Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 10, 2013  

Today's Photograph . . . . For The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Of The Flesh But Have Divine Power To Destroy Strongholds   (Jack M) 
Bible Study Verse
I Peter 5:8  
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  (ESV)

The opportunity to hunt late season wild pheasants had presented. My friend Gene had invited us to come and hunt on a spectacular December day. So I had to say yes! 

On the way to the hunting site, I noticed the wild pheasants picture in this photo. The picture was taken at a long distance, but the point is made very powerfully that they are on the alert for danger. They had played this game before! 

I was able to snap the picture of these four roosters with heads up and alert to danger. Not long after the shutter snapped, they ran to cover. It makes a good point for us all to remember, that we have enemies who put us in spiritual danger.
(Jack M)

Action Point
We have an adversary. Satan. There is danger. We must be always on the alert to him. We must follow the Bible injunctive to watch out, to be aware, and to be always careful of that danger.

Many predators love to have pheasant for dinner. The pheasants have enemies that attack from the air and from the ground. They have hunters who seek to take them legally, and those who disdain the rules and potshoot at them from cars and trucks, though it is illegal.

So we must all be reminded; we face constant danger from Satan, this world, our own fleshly desires, and the anti-Christ world system around us.

The good news is we can pray for help from the Lord and that we have powerful defensive and offensive weapons to protect us which God provides us as believers in Christ.

II Corinthians 10:3-5 gives us battle stragedy, "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," (ESV).

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
When you hunt wild pheasants use maximum noise control. Don't slam car doors, talk loud, or shout to another hunter. Surround the cover where the birds are and close the escape routes as quietly as possible. They will run if they can. When they fly, they usually will fly toward other cover. Have hunters blocking those routes to take the shots that are offered. This is called blocking and is a tactic used successfully by the pheasant hunter hunting wild late season birds.