Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January  13, 2014   

Today's Photograph . . . . God Designed And Created You For A Life Of Purpose (Rebecca L)
Bible Study Verse
I John 1:9 
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (NIV)

One of our favorite wintertime activities is cross country skiing as a family. If you stay inside for too long in the winter months, a person can go buggy. 

Cross country provides us a cheap outlet to get out of the house and get a breath of fresh air. For us to do this, my wife and I have had to teach each of the kids how to ski. 

Cross country isn't hard once you get a little experience under your belt, but those first few lessons reinforce how easy it is to slip and fall. All it takes is being off balance a little bit and down you go. 

The important part of this learning curve is, "How do I get back up?" So a quick lesson ensues getting your skis parallel while you are laying down on your side, and then using your poles to help push yourself back up. It's a simple lesson. If you don't get back up, you won't ever reach your destination. 
(Dave M)
Action Point
Spiritually, everyone falls down. The key is to get back up. 

God designed and created you for a life of purpose.

The enemy, Satan, wants to keep you down and beat up. That way you are ineffective for the kingdom of God. 

Sin isn't good, but when you fall, go straight to God, ask for forgiveness, and get back up. God's forgiveness is quick and complete - accept it and learn from your mistake(s).
Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
For those of you who live in a snowy climate, buy a roof rake to get the snow off your rooftops. Don't go up on your roof to shovel it off - you're inviting trouble. You do have to get the snow off though or you are looking at too much weight on the roof and potential leak problems with the ice backing up.