Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013  

Today's Photograph . . . . Pursue Him . . .  . (MQ)
Bible Study Verse
Matthew 6:33  
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV)

A couple of Springs ago, I was out hunting turkeys and had my daughter in the pop-up blind with me. We had watched a group of turkeys for about 1.5 hours directly in front of us. 

There were a few hens, a couple of jakes, and a tom. It was tantalizing. They started out on the other side of the field, came up over a hill to within about 80 yards, but would come no closer. They crossed the field, came up the fence line to my left, turned around, and went right back out into the field where they had originally come from. They were ever so close to being in range, but they just wouldn't come quite close enough. 
Well, they decided to turn around one more time and head over and down the fence row again. I had had it! I couldn't take it anymore!! As they came down the fence row, there was a huge pile of rocks between us - blocking their vision and mine!!! 

When they reached the rock pile, I hopped out of my blind and ran about a 100 yards to where the rock pile was - hoping to get close enough to get a shot at the tom. As fortune would have it, the birds turned around and started to go back out into the field. 

One-by-one, they crossed within 15 yards of where I was laying on the ground. It was hilarious! They looked at me - a bit confused - but each one just kept on walking out into the field. Unfortunately, the jakes and the tom had meandered off into the nearby woods. All I saw were the hens returning to the field.
(Dave M)

Action Point
Pursuit.  That's the word that comes to mind when I think back to that crazy day! I wanted that tom enough that I took decisive action and pursued that bird across the field and hid behind a rock pile with hopes of getting a crack at him.  
Sometimes, I think we forget that we need to pursue God and our faith. We get complacent and somehow expect God to continue to bless us or grow our relationship with Him with little to no pursuit on our part. 

I know in the hunting world that pursuit is part of getting close; sometimes in our faith, we need to be reminded of this. Make it your mission today to pursue your relationship with God - spend time with Him in study, prayer, and meditation. Pursue Him . . . 

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
If you have a box call you take to the woods, place a piece of cloth or a napkin in between the box and the striker as you enter or exit the woods. It will prevent any unwanted noises from the call as you hike.