Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 20, 2013   

Today's Photograph . . . . No Mere Human Can Ever Do Enough Or Practice Enough To Hit That Mark  (MQ) 
Bible Study Verses
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (NIV)
Romans 6:23  
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NIV) 
Practice! Practice! Practice! Practice makes perfect. Or more accurately said, "Proper practice makes perfect." If we practice with the wrong equipment or with the wrong mechanics, then our practice will only decrease our proficiency. 
Archery is a fast growing sport and is being embraced by more and more hunters. Additional skills and disciplines are required of the archery hunter. Two are:
  • To wait on the proper shot that will ensure a humane kill. 
  • To practice before the season so you are ready, confident, and proficient when the shot presents. 
(Jack M)

Action Point
Archery gives us a perfect picture to understand sin. Sin is missing God's bulls eye of holiness. God's bulls eye is absolute holiness, complete perfection. No mere human can ever do enough or practice enough to hit that mark. 
But there is a Champion who has hit that mark. His name is Jesus. He completed every requirement that God had established. He fulfilled the whole law of God, hitting the mark dead center! He did it perfectly. He died on the Cross to pay the sin penalty of death for all humans. 
That payment is available to all who will by faith receive Him and His work for their own sin. His resurrection proves that God accepted His work upon the cross. He paid the price so every person might be saved or forgiven of their sin. Have you by faith accepted this gift of forgiveness and eternal life? If not, right now put your faith in Jesus Christ. Believe and be saved!
Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Make sure your bow is sighted in properly. Carrying it in a hard shell case can protect the sights. After travel, it is always advised to confirm the accuracy of your bow before hunting. Trips in vehicles, poor handlers, and bumps in the road can knock the best sight out of adjustment.